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List 2017 AFAA Awards 


Feature Film (Drama):

Safe Harbor Amsterdam - Best First Feature Film Award, Jack Luceno  

The Algebra of Need - Best Experimental Feature, David Williams

The World of Which we Dream Doesn't Exist - Best Experimental Foreign Feature, Ayoub Qanir

Promises - Best Romance Feature, Melody Brooke and Michael Henricks

Feature Film (Comedy/Dramedy):

LEND A HAND - Best Foreign Comedy Feature 

Feature Film (Action/Thriller):

Mafiosa - Best Feature Action Film, Yusaku Mizoguchi and Veronica Russo

Feature Film (Horror):

SFashion - Best Foreign Horror Feature, Mauro John Capece, Giuseppe Lepore

Feature Film (SCI-FI) 

Feature Film (Animation):

Nephilim - Best Animation Feature, Danny Wilson

Feature Film (Foreign):

URVI​ - Best Foreign Feature in Producing, Airier Drreams

Feature Film (Student):

Unmarked - Best Young Filmmaker/Feature Domestic 

Back to '97 - Best Foreign Youth Feature Film, Zeca Brito, Leo Garcia

Documentary Feature:

Unveiled: The Kohistan Video Scandal - Best Feature Documentary: Women Rights Subject, Brishkay Ahmed

All Love Schmidt - Best Foreign Documentary 

From State Prisoner To State Professor​ - Best inspirational Documentary, Joshua Jackson

Hoda's Story - Best inspirationa Featurel Documentary, Johan Eriksson

The Great Outdoors...​ - Best Sports Documentary, Jerry Kelleher


Short Film (Drama):

Emmott & Rowland - Best Historical Short 

The Example - Best Short Historical Fiction, Wyatt Cagle, Gordon S. Williams, Kenneth Dupuis

New Neighbors - Best Short Film

Brutal Best Foreign Drama Short

The Eve - Best Experimental Short, Luca Machnich

Believers - Best Original Short Story, Stephen M. Hunt

A big Love - Best Foreign Short

New Neighbors - Best Short Film

Short Film (Drama) Student:

Reuben - Best Short Drama Student 

Fresh Choppuccino​ - Best High School Student Film 

Short Film (Comedy/Dramedy):

Cheaters - Best Short Foreign Comedy, Jarrad Bhatia

The Love Suckers - Best Short Comedy, Jim Politano

Short Film (Comedy/Dramedy) Student:

Invisible Eyes - Best Foreign Short Student

Short Film (Action/Thriller):

No Sunday West of Newton - Best Western Short

Short Film (Action/Thriller) Student:

Switch - Best Short Student, Robin Wang

Short Film (Horror):

The Barber's Cut - Best Short Horror Comedy, Mark Brocking

Short Film (Horror) Student

Short Film (SCI-FI):

Redshift - Best SciFi/Futuristic Short 

Triangle - Best SciFi Short

Short Film (SCI-FI) Student

Short Film (Animation):

Sunny and Gerd in Spring Cleaning - Best Short Animation Story 

Freaktown - Best Foreign Short Animation, Diana Cruz Gonzalez

The Family Blend! - Best Short Animation, Sebastian Foxworth

Short Film (Animation) Student:

Memoire - Best Animation Short Student 

Extinguished - Best Animation Short Student, Ashley Anderson

Short Film (LGBT):

Mum, I'm back - Best LGBT Short Foreign 

Short Film (LGBT) Student

Short Film (Foreign):

My Pretty Pony - Best Foreign Short 

BREAVEMENT - Best Foreign Short Drama 

Identification - Best Foreign Short in Producing, Julia Deak

Not Waving - Best Experimental Foreign Short, Freya Billington

Short Film (Foreign) Student:

4242 - Best Foreign Student Short  â€‹


Documentary Short:

SURVIVING INTERNATIONAL BOULEVARD: Domestic Child Sex Trafficking - Best Short Documentary/Social subject 

My Name is Joan - Best Short Documentary, Margaret Costa

Documentary Short Student

Experimental (Short):

Alchemy​ - Best Short Domestic Experimental

Experimental (Short) Student


PM 2.5​ - Best Foreign Environmental Subject Short

The Underwater Forest - Best Ecological Short Documentary, Ben Raines

Nature/Environment/Wildlife (Student)


Webisode/New Media:

Jungle Book 2016 CC - Best Web/New Media Feature

The Family Blend! - Best Web & New Media, Short Animation, Sebastian Foxworth

The Superhost - Best Foreign  Short Web / New Media  

anexperimentalviralvlog - Best Short Video Art / Web / New Media 

Webisode/New Media (Student)


Music Video:

The Old Man by Indigorado - Best Foreign Music Video, Kenneth Aakerland Berg

My Help - Best Religious Music Video, Darlene TINA Batten

Forty Miles to Macon - Best Documentarial Music Video, Daniel Espeut, Tyler Goforth

Food To Ate - Best Experimental Music Video, Randy Huling

Music Video  (Student)


TimelapseTimelapse (Student)


Movie Trailer:

The Theater - Best Trailer, Paul Pastore

Television - Pilot/Episodic:

New York 2150 - Best TV Pilot, Harry Assouline

Miss Winn's Garden - Best Television Short Director, Shanalyna C. Palmer

Reality Show:

New Song - Best Virtual Reality 


Public Service Programming/PSA:

The blind side - Best Achievement Award

Script - Commercial:

Screenplay Short:

(A)utomated (I)rritation - Best Short Story, Bo Liebman

Journey NotesBest Foreign Short Story, Andrea Natale

Dakota Caves - 2 Miles​ - Best Short Screenplay, Robert J. Rogers

Farewell Cinema​ - Best Short Foreign Screenplay

Breathless - Best American Short Author 

Never Too Late - Best Screen Play Short/Web Series/TV/Treatment 

Twirling At Ole Miss​ - Best Comedy Short Screenplay

Screenplay Feature:

Santa Klawn - Best Horror Feature Screenplay

Mea Culpa​ - Best Television Screenplay, Leonard Nannarone

American Snake Pit - Best Historical Screenplay, Dan Tomasulo


Best Actor Male (Feature):

Best Actor Male (Short):

Pajero (The Wanker:)Best Actor Short Film, Aitor Gonzalez Iturbe

Alchemy - Best Actor in Short Film,  Ian Kevin Scott

Best Actress Female (Feature):

Best Actress Female (Short):

116 - Best Actress in Short film 

New Neighbors - Best Short Actress

BelieversBest Actress  

Supporting Actor - (Feature)

Supporting Actor - (Short)

Supporting Actress - (Feature)

Supporting Actress - (Short):

GOOD'n Screwed - Best Supporting Actress, Suzanne H. Smart

Triangle - Best Supporting Actress, Margo Goodman

Actor - Commercial 

Actress - Commercial

Actress Under 18:

Apples for Bullies - Best Youth Actress 

Actor Under 18:

Listen - Best Foreign Youth Actor 

Ensemble Cast:

GOOD 'n Screwed - Best Ensemble Cast 


Editing (Feature)

Editing (Short/Series):

A big Love - Best Editing

Crime Confidential - Best Foreign Short Editing, Julian Lim, Julia Van Der Hoeven

The Madame in Black - Best Editing

Editing (Commercial)

Editing (Music Video)

Sound Design (Short):

TriangleBest Sound Design: Christopher Fox

Sound Design (Feature):

​Five Minutes with Mary - Best Soundtrack

Music score (Short)

Music score (Feature)

Production Design:

The Barber's Cut - Best Art Direction, Mark Brocking


LEND A HAND - Best Costume design 


Visual Effects

Cinematography (Feature)

Cinematography (Short/Series):

TORMENTS OF LOVE - Best Foreign Short Cinematography 

The Madame in Black - Best Cinematography in Foreign Short

A big Love - Best Cinemotography

Cinematography (Commercial)

Cinematography (Music Video)

Women Filmmakers:

The 12 Lives of Sissy Carlyle - Best Women Director 

GOOD'n Screwed - Best Female filmmaker in short screenwriting, Joanna Bonaro

Forward - Best Women Theme Short film, Cole Sax

Young Filmmaker - 17 and younger:

The Lighthouse - Best Short Young Filmmaker 

Director (Feature Film):

The Final Barrier - Best Foreign Feature Director, Jasmin Durakovic

Director (Feature Film-Student)

Director (Short/Series):

Listen - Best Foreign Director 

Another Day - Best Short Director Drama 

Here Again​ - Best Veteran  Director, Foreign Short, Robin Brockman

Pajero (The Wanker:) - Best Director Foreign Short Comedy, Aitor Gonzalez Iturbe  

Director (Short/Series - Student):

Creatures of Whitechapel - Best Student Filmmaker, Jonathan Martin

Director (Commercial)

Director (Commercial - Student)

Director (Music Video)

Director (Music Video - Student)

Producer (Feature Film)

Producer (Feature Film - Student)

Producer (Short/Series - Student):

We Are Friends - Best Domestic Short Animation Producer 

Producer (Commercial - Student)Producer (Commercial - Student)

Producer - Music Video

Producer - (Music Video- Student)


Video Art: 

anexperimentalviralvlog - Best Short Video Art

VOICES - Best Experimental Video Art, Alberto Nacci

Video Art (Student)

Video Art (Animation):

Imaginary Novels - Best Video Art Animation, Nancy Gifford

Video Art  (Graphic Design)

Video Art  (Live Action):

Sacred And Profane Faceless Jacks - Best Video Art-Live Action, Vagabond Beaumont

Video Artist: 



Balloon Ride - Grand Jury Award, Best  Short  Animation, Evan Hughes

The Buzzing of a Bumblebee - Grand Jury Student Film Award, Vladimir Beldian

The blind side - Grand Jury, First Short Film Award

Blockbuster - A Life in Moving Pictures: Grand Jury Award in Feature Film

The Conspiracy Project - Grand Jury Award Short Screenplay   

IS THIS NOW - Grand Jury Award Feature Screenplay, Joe Scott  



The shortest are always the best! - Honorable Mention Foreign Short Fiction, Daniel Jenny

January - Honorable Mention - Script writing, Craig Pospisil

It Plays Like Love - Honorable Mention Feature Film, Jeremy Waltman, Adam Lucas

Four JourneysHonorable Mention Feature Documentary, Teresa Mular

The Dream/in Space - Honorable Mention - Video Art - Animation, Eva Ingolf

The Scope of Seperatio - Honorable Mention Foreign Feature Film, Yue Chen, Weilin Wang,  Kun Fu

The Queen - Honorable Mention - Short Fantasy, Hugo Teugels

Pittari - Honorable Mention - Short Animation, Patrick Smith

Requembarren - Honorable Mention - Foreign Experimental Short, Roman Rubert

Darker - Honorable Mention - Short Horror, Alex Torres

Eileen - Honorable Mention - Feature Screenplay, Elizabeth Samaroo     

The Global Fund - Honorable Mention, Short Screenplay, Josep Colomer    

Long Yearning - Honorable Mention Foreign Short Experimental Documentary, Elliot Spencer

a la mémoire de Lune - Honorable Mention Short

SPENT - Honorable Mention Feature Comedy

Becoming Lucy - Honorable Mention Short Drama

HELL OF A NEW YEAR - Best Honorable Mention Short Horror

Back Page Ripper - Honorable Mention Short, Stephen Rutterford 

Sisters' Sunday Funday! - Honorable Mention - Short Experimental Film, Storm Garner

Kaddish! - Honorable Mention - Musical Short Comedy, Emeline Castaneda

Jetty Cats - Honorable Mention, Mid lenght Feature Documentary



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